Keti's Holistic Health Care

Introduction to the Original Bowen Technique

What is the Bowen Technique & How It Works

The Bowen Technique (also known as Bowenwork) is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy. It is sometimes called the "Homeopathy of Bodywork". It utilizes subtle inputs to the body (known as "moves"), stimulating the body to heal itself, often profoundly.

It can provide relief for many types of injuries and other health problems, both acute and chronic, and it does so holistically, via the body's innate healing mechanisms. The practitioner makes specific "moves" on the ligaments, tendons or muscles which most likely activates the Golgi receptors & sends signals to the brain, the neurological pathways, the fascia, also activating the meridians, and the electro magnetic field of the person and the person's body responds in its own time, within it's vital capacity. Bowen Technique is so gentle and non invasive that it is completely safe to use on people of all ages - from a new born infants to the elderly & in all degrees of health. Bowen Technique offers tremendous benefit to clients.

Rather than focusing on a single complaint, Bowen Technique addresses the entire body, by restoring balance via the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS controls over 80% of bodily functions and is very susceptible to external stressors. Most people today live in a constant state of high stress and sympathetic ANS over-stimulation ("fight, flight or freeze mode"). Healing can occur only after the ANS shifts from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance ("rest, relax and repair mode"). Bowen Technique enables that shift. During a session, the client often drops into deep relaxation or falls asleep, and loud peristalsis may be heard. Both of these changes are indications of a profound release from stress and a shift towards parasympathetic influence. This shift could explain, in part, the common observation that a Bowen Technique session seems to reactivate the recovery process in situations where healing from trauma, sickness or surgery has stalled or reached a plateau.

In contrast to other hands-on modalities, where the practitioner imposes correction on the client through manipulation, Bowen Technique facilitates the body in healing itself, with minimal intervention. Because of the subtle nature of Bowen Technique, and the body's continuing response to it over several days thereafter, other forms of manipulative therapy are discouraged for up to five days after a session, as they may interfere with the efficacy of the work.

Bowen Is Not.....

1. Bowen is not Massage
Many people often associate Bowen with massage, however, its operation and objectives are quite different. Furthermore, rubbing or even prolonged touching around a Bowen "move" just applied, can weaken the effectiveness of the move. Bowen moves go no deeper than fascia, on superficially accessible muscles, and only do so with gentle pressure.

2. Bowen is not Acupressure
Some of the areas of focus in a Bowen treatment will coincide with acupuncture points, but there are so many acupressure points that overlap is inevitable. With Bowen "points," though, a more focused intervention is complemented with a more economical application. In the Bowen Technique, one simple move across the structure is all it takes.

3. Bowen is not Chiropractic
No manipulation of the skeletal system is made. Most practitioners and many clients observe vertebral movement, but this is evidence of the body realigning itself and the effectiveness of the Bowen treatment. Chiropractic adjustments following a Bowen treatment are contraindicated.

4 . Bowen is not "Energy Work"
Given its parameters, even energy work can be intrusive. Practitioners can focus too much on accomplishing their own desired results, which may or may not coincide with the client's needs. Instead, Bowen practitioners are taught to focus only on doing a precise movement accurately, and then physically leaving the room.

5. Bowen is not Physiotherapy nor Neuromuscular "Re-Education"
Stretch reflex, Golgi reflex and reciprocal enervation may be involved in the muscular releases, but these occur on a cellular level and expand out physically. In fact, people may fall asleep during a session, and many will not feel the effects for several days. These factors distinguish the Bowen Technique from remedial exercises or movement training that some people need for long-term injury recovery.

6. Bowen in not Trigger-Point Therapy
Some points are unavoidably similar even though the referral zones are different. Most trigger points are found in the core of muscles, while Bowen muscle moves are usually made where two muscles or muscle groups overlap.

7. Bowen is not Fascia Release
With each Bowen move, the fascia is rocked and minutely "disturbed". It is not forcefully separated. After a series of Bowen sessions, adhesions tend to loosen and scar tissue frequently softens and shrinks on its own because impediments to the natural healing process are removed.

8. Bowen is not Lymphatic Massage
Bowen does stimulate lymphatic drainage, in that sinuses will often drain during the session; breast lumps may shrink or be gone within a few weeks; and excess fluids are usually eliminated within the week. Bowen does not use vigorous stroking of lymphatic massage.

9. Bowen is not an Emotional Release Modality
The intent of a Bowen session is not to effect emotional releases. However, some people report the dramatic lightening of spirit and a subtle but pervasive refocusing of troublesome emotional patterns.